How to become a Data Engineer in 2024

7 min readFeb 14, 2024

What is booming in this decade? It’s data and professions related to data. Everywhere, we are witnessing numerous job openings for positions such as data engineers, analytical engineers, and business intelligence developers.

The question in 2024 now is how to become a Data engineer/Analytical Engineer and where you should start. How much time will it take to get ready for interviews? What languages and tools should you learn?

In this article, I will answer all the above questions and create a roadmap to become a Data Professional. This article is purely based on my experience and the current trends in the industries.

The courses and resources mentioned in this article are freely accessible on the internet.

Which programming languages should you learn?

Data engineers must possess strong programming skills to manipulate and transform data efficiently. Two essential programming languages for a data engineer in 2024 are SQL and Python.

a. SQL (Structured Query Language):
SQL remains a fundamental language for managing and querying relational databases. Proficiency in SQL is essential for tasks such as data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL). Data engineers should be well-versed in creating and optimizing SQL queries…




A data couple, Having 15 years of combined experience in data and love to share the knowledge about Data