This article is a step-by-step guide for accessing the CSV file stored at S3 through AWS Athena.
Before jumping into the coding part let’s briefly understand these AWS services.
S3- Also known as AWS simple storage service(SSS) is a cloud object storage from AWS. in simpler terms it is cloud-based files storage along with the descriptive metadata.
This service is widely used to build modern data lakes in the data world.
Athena - Another analytical service from AWS. It is an interactive Query service used to access the S3 data by using standard SQL. Athena is serverless so you no need to manage any ETL, Datawarehouse, Servers, etc. As per pricing just pay for the data which you have scanned from S3.
By using S3 and Athena, analysts can start analyzing without waiting to implement ETL processes and Data warehouses.
Let’s create a simple CSV with 3–4 columns below and upload it into the S3 bucket. You can either create a new bucket or upload it into the existing one.